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Seated Leg Hamstring Curl Guide

  1. Exercise Type: Isolation - focuses on targeting and isolating specific muscle groups, allowing for targeted muscle development.
  2. Targeted Muscle Groups:
    • primary: hamstring
    • secondary: gluteal
    • tertiary: calves, left soleus, right soleus
    • quaternary: abs, obliques, lower back

How to perform?

The seated leg curl is an isolation exercise that specifically targets the hamstrings. During the exercise, the hamstrings work to curl the weight towards the glutes, while the glutes assist to keep the pelvis stable. The calf muscles and core also engage to maintain proper posture and stability during the movement.

It's important to use proper form and to choose a weight that is appropriate for your individual strength level when performing the seated leg curl.

Steps to perform:

  1. Sit on the machine with your back against the pad.
  2. Adjust settings to align knees with the machine's pivot point.
  3. Place lower legs under padded lever, grasp handles for stability.
  4. Exhale, flex your knees, and pull the lever towards your buttocks.
  5. Keep your core engaged and maintain controlled motion.
  6. Inhale and slowly extend your legs back to the starting position.
  7. Ensure your back remains against the pad throughout.
  8. Aim for controlled repetitions to target and strengthen the hamstrings.
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