Sumo-Stance Barbell Squat Guide
- Exercise Type: Compound - engages and works multiple muscle groups at the same time.
- Targeted Muscle Groups:
- primary: quadriceps, hamstring, gluteal
- secondary: adductor, erector spinae
- tertiary: calves
- quaternary: abs
How to perform?
The sumo-stance barbell squat is a compound exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, with secondary activation of the glutes, adductors, erector spinae, and hamstrings. The exercise is performed with a wide stance and the toes pointed outward, with the barbell placed on the upper traps. The movement involves descending into a deep squat while keeping the knees in line with the toes, and then pushing back up to the starting position. The calves and abdominals also provide some stabilization during the movement. This exercise can be effective for building lower body strength and size, and is commonly used by powerlifters and bodybuilders.
- ATG Squatcompound
- Bulgarian Split Squatscompound
- Close-Stance Barbell Squatcompound
- Front Barbell Squatcompound
- Hack Squatcompound
- Heel-Elevated Front Squatcompound
- High Bar Squatcompound
- Pause Squatcompound
- Reverse Hack Squatcompound
- Safety Bar Close-Stance Squatcompound
- Smith Machine Bulgarian Split Squatcompound
- Smith Machine Squatcompound
- Squatcompound
- Squat with Core Twistcompound
- Pit Shark Squatcompound
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