Quad Extensions (Leg Extensions) Guide
- Exercise Type: Isolation - focuses on targeting and isolating specific muscle groups, allowing for targeted muscle development.
- Targeted Muscle Groups:
- primary: quadriceps
- secondary: hamstrings stabilizers
- tertiary: gluteal stabilizers
- quaternary: abs, obliques, lower back
How to perform?
During a Quad Extension, the quadriceps work to extend the knee against resistance, such as from a weight machine or resistance band. The hamstrings and glutes also play a role in stabilizing the movement, while the core muscles engage to maintain proper posture and prevent injury.
In terms of exercise classification, quad extensions are an isolation exercise, as they isolate a single muscle group and do not work multiple muscle groups simultaneously as in compound exercises. If you're looking to build specific strength and size in the quadriceps, quad extensions are a great exercise to include in your workout routine. However, it's important to also include compound exercises that work the quadriceps in conjunction with other muscle groups to maintain overall balance and prevent injury.
Steps to perform:
Set up the leg extension machine so the pad is at the top of your lower legs at the ankles. Your knees should be at 90 degrees. Select a weight that will give you a moderate load for 10 to 12 repetitions.
- Sit on the leg extension machine with back against the pad.
- Adjust the pad to align with your knees.
- Place lower legs under padded lever, grip handles for stability.
- Exhale, extend legs, lift weight until legs are straight.
- Hold briefly, then inhale, and lower the weight in a controlled manner.
- Keep back against the pad to isolate and target the quadriceps.
- Focus on controlled repetitions and avoid jerky movements.
This exercise doesn't have any variations
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