Leg Press Guide
- Exercise Type: Compound - engages and works multiple muscle groups at the same time.
- Targeted Muscle Groups:
- primary: quadriceps
- secondary: hamstring, gluteal
- tertiary: calves, left soleus, right soleus
- quaternary: abs, obliques, lower back
How to perform?
The leg press is a compound weight training exercise (it includes Quadriceps, Hamstring, Gluteus maximus, Calves but partially) in which the individual pushes a weight or resistance away from them using their legs. The term leg press machine refers to the apparatus used to perform this exercise. The leg press can be used to evaluate an athlete's overall lower body strength (from knee joint to hip). It can help to build squat strength. If performed correctly, the inclined leg press can help develop knees to manage heavier free weights, on the other hand, it has the potential to inflict grave injury: the knees could bend the wrong way if they are locked during the exercise.
It can be performed in variations, for example with one leg, or attaching bands to the leg press.
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